IGNOU BPAC-102 Assignment | IGNOU BAPAH Assignments 2021 | January 2021 | July 2020 | IGNOU Assignments 2020-21- Indira Gandhi National Open University had recently uploaded the assignments of the current session for BPAC-102 Programme for the year 2020-21. Students are recommended to download their Assignments from this webpage itself. They don’t need to go anywhere else when everything regarding the Assignments are available in this article only.
Candidates need to download the IGNOU Assignments for appearing in the Term End Examination [TEE] of IGNOU BAPAH Programme.
Important Note- Students are advised that after successfully downloading their Assignments, you will find each and every course assignments of your downloaded BPAC-102 Programme. Candidates have to create separate assignment for the IGNOU Bachelor Course, so that it is easy for Evaluators to check your assignments.
Programme Code: BAPAH
Programme Name: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Public Administration
Subject Code Name: Administrative Thinkers/ प्रशासनिक विचारक
Subject Code: BPAC-102
Medium: English & Hindi
Session: July 2020 & January 2021
IGNOU BPAC-102 Assignment 2021
Remember that every question printed on the BPAC-102 Assignments has different marking scheme. Students need to write all the solutions for all the questions in a separate IGNOU BAPAH Assignment File.
The students of IGNOU BAPAH Programme have to submit each course assignments to the Study Centre in which they had registered earlier.
Please Note- Students need to submit their BPAC-102 Assignments July 2020 & Jan 2021 before the due date for appearing in the Term End Examination conducted by the university.
BPAC-102: Administrative Thinkers/ प्रशासनिक विचारक
IGNOU BAPAH [July 2020 & January 2021]
Check Here: IGNOU BPAC-102 (July 2020 & Jan 2021) Assignment
Check Here: IGNOU BPAC-102 (July 2020 & Jan 2021) Assignment
Soft Copy (solved) – Rs 25/- per code
To buy solutions, please mail us at our Gmail ID (ignoutv@gmail.com). We’ll provide you the best solutions. Sample is also provided on demand (Free of cost). Both soft copy as well as handwritten PDFs available. Benefits: [Solved Handwritten PDFs + Front Page (Enrollment No., Centre Code, Programme Code etc)].
Also Check: IGNOU BAPAH Assignments 2021
Important Dates
Here are some important date for the submission of BPAC-102 Assignments submission 2021.
July 2020 – 30th June 2021
Jan 2021 – 31st October 2021
**There are chances that the last dates for the submission of assignments might get extended**
Also Download: IGNOU BPAC-102 Assignment in Hindi
IGNOU Solved Assignments
All those candidates who had completely solved their IGNOU BPAC-102 Assignments can submit their IGNOU Assignments to the coordinator of your nearest IGNOU Study Centre that has been alloted to you during the time of IGNOU Admission.
Please Note- After submitting your Assignments, please don’t forget to take the receipt of the Submission of Assignment.
Also Read- Important Instructions for IGNOU Assignments 2020-21
IGNOU Assignment Status
Those students who had successfully submitted their Assignments to their allocated study centres can now check their Assignment Status. Along with assignment status, they can also checkout their assignment marks & result. All this is available in an online mode. After submitting the assignment, you can check you IGNOU Assignment Status only after 3-4 weeks. It might take 40 days to declare.
Here the students can check their IGNOU Assignment Status, marks, result or both the sessions i.e; June & December.
Once the TEE assignments have been submitted to the Centres, it is send to the evaluation department. After which the evaluation of IGNOU Assignment Solutions takes place.
If you had any queries regarding the IGNOU BAPAH Assignment, please do mail us at ignoutv@gmail.com. Also please do share this article with your friends so that they can also complete their Assignments on time.
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